Monday, August 17, 2009

Silver Flooring.

Which crackled and cracked when trodden on, probably because it’s just silver in colour as opposed to material.

I didn’t notice it, even if it was my third time entering the office. Not until I started wandering around to inspect the office oddities, which is aplenty, that I realised that somehow someone must’ve thought it a good idea to make half of the office floor silver.

Interesting, though.

I’m officially working, by the way.

It’s weird. It’s like I’m telling people that I’m actually a running cog in the vast clockwork we call society.

And today’s the first day. It went like I was whisked away into a dreamlike trance, and everything seemed new - seemed first.

I’m wasted right now. The weekend took its toll on me.

Right o.

Goodnight world.


Wait, not quite.

Do yourself a great, big, self-gratifying favour, and pay a visit to

And watch the movie(s). And see for yourself the Malaysian cinema we could have, but couldn’t, because our censorship board are knuckleheads.

Right. Nites.