Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boredom births stuff like this.

So it wasn’t the best of days. I went to sleep with a nascent flu and woke up with it gone, but substituted with a parched throat that threatened to sore and a steady rise in temperature. Then I washed the car with the dad and went out to buy dinner, in a night that was devilishly trying to replicate the Kansas tornado.

I took two pills and went to sleep, assured that the label stating that the drowsiness that follow would probably carry me off into next morning, hopefully better.

I was awakened by a dysfunctional family, arguing on my bedpost (“The wedding, dear; we simply must have Brussels.” “I think she meant mussels.”). And, when I tried to sleep again, they hung around and decided to up the ante (“They hated the idea. They hated it. They made seem as clear as the god-damned people who built Times Square.” “Now, dear, it doesn’t really matter, does it?” “For hell it does.”).

And when I did fell asleep, I was at lunch with a high school friend I hadn’t seen for 5 years.

I wanted to ask him how’s he doing, but it seemed that it was a consciousness I could only be aware of but not tap into.

We were eating roti canai, in a cafeteria that looks sort of like something you’d find in a prison; plastic tables that and chairs that stuck to the ground, coloured grey and black. A lot of people were eating, but they appeared blur and they all wore school uniforms.

My friend said, YouKnowTheTimeWePlayedWithTheBoysFromYuHua?

(Oh, counter-strike. Ok.)

Yeah, I said. Yeah.

ManTheyWereCheating. FellaHadSv_CHeatsOnAndWeDidn’tKnow

(Oh, we lost. Ok.)

Yeah, I said. I remember.

He said, OK.

And the dream moved on to class in university (didn’t I graduate? What?), and a DVD shop where they didn’t have Indiana Jones, and the usual twisted amalgamation of colours and sounds and voices I can’t remember.

I was awakened by a dysfunctional family talking on my bedpost (“Jamie, would you please turn off that computer and come down here for dinner?”). The biggest bummer was that it was only 1 hour and a half since I fell asleep, and I was soon left fresh awake and coughing and really wishing I can just find a cafeteria someplace and order lemon tea.

I had to watch Madagascar 2 to fall asleep. Yeah, I didn’t like it very much.

And I’m really, really bored.


Good thing, though; by this morning the throat turned from parched into a well-watered savannah and the fever pretty much ebbed away by the afternoon.

I bathed the puppy and cleaned the brother’s car and watched Night at the Museum 2 while trying my best to refrain from eating the peanuts (just as I thought; if I didn’t enjoy the first one, I can’t enjoy the second one. Good thing it had Amy Adams).

Did some trailer digging and I found this one;

As expected, it pretty much appalled Bryan. But I must say; it’s looking a little better than I expected.

(That’s because I secretly enjoy M. Night Shyamalan. Even the sucky movies. I found Lady in the Water to be refreshingly inspirational and The Happening a comedy in the disguise of an apocalyptic horror film).

Ah, and Disney is bringing Ponyo to the US with an English dub.

Which means a proper DVD might arrive soon. That’s good news.

Lastly, the best short story I’ve read all this week by An Author You’ll Never Know:

Goodnight people.