Sunday, June 15, 2008

And so said the Man in the Canary-Yellow Tweed (to a dark-skinned individual named Calendar who waters his corn and sometimes massages his legs); “Laughter is a medicine best served with Lamb Chop grilled medium-rare with mash potatoes at the side.” And so, like prophecies made by not being made in purpose, it became true.

I’ll tell you what was fantastic this week. I may not tell you what that was not so good or, in some cases, just preposterous, but I can assure you that things haven’t really gone down the drain, or impeccably ludicrous, or somewhat shambled over a tirade of disasters as it does sometimes (the oh-heavens-this-can’t-be-happening things). Things’ been good, I’m happy, and maybe that’s just what the fuel to life is all about.

What’s fantastic this week is;

The Nintendo Wii, god bless them people of Nintendo, and subsequently my 6th Uncle (or Uncle Raymond, who married my 6th aunt) for buying it back in China when work got him down enough to seek life’s aspirin which is the Wii, and then taking it back. Now it’s in my grandmother’s house, and I get to go over anytime to play (and also find people to play with, because my 5th Aunt and Husband is addicted). The only setback is that here in Malaysia, you can’t find the good games. I’ve been looking, but no Super Smash Bros. Brawl, no Twilight Princess, and no RE4: Wii Edition.

(These are, of course, the *ahem* games we’re talking about).

Kung Fu Panda, and this one you bless the people of Dreamworks for not going with the very, very old and stoic Shrek formula and make something that’s entertaining, genuinely funny, is seriously (if not mildly) heartfelt and have a great few awesome fight scenes thrown in for good measure. Nice. Better than Iron Man, even.

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures; this one I thank Travellers Tales. It’s a game, in case you’re wondering, following the same formula of TT’s previous LEGO titles revolving around the Star Wars movies (great games, by the way), though this time you play the Indiana Jones movies. There’s still something really, really fun about punching LEGO tribesman with the classic Indiana Jones theme rousing in the background.

And lastly, the Dude on a Retarded Journey's birthday lunch, held at Chilli’s in 1 Utama.

Kelvin did not use Durex. He now finds his birthday celebration interrupted by some rather disturbing news.

It was good. We laughed. We gave him a Starsucks Coffee T-Shirt. We had fun.

The picture says it all. Notice the thumbs up?


And so said the dark-skinned individual named Calendar to the Man in Canary-Yellow Tweed: “What that ascends as facets of truth, taking place in the stands before the Eyes of Men, are merely facades that show enough but never entirely. These becomes the truth, the shell of the story, and this is what that protects it from being seen as the blight in the Golden Valley.”

(To which the Man in Canary-Yellow Tweed responded in being confused, then proceeded to search the dark-skinned individual named Calendar’s shack by the corner of the side of the corn field for books and, finding none, laughed and sat by the fire nursing Whisky that was not on the rocks.)