Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September, and a whole lot of it

saw mostly gloomy mornings presided over by sweltering afternoon that bow down when the evenings come with rain and cold, and it’s every bit the September I think I know, only more morose if I might add, and that’s the general picture

It’s nearing the end of it now, and – pardon the cheesiness – I’m going to have a lot to reflect back this particular month.

So, in most gloomy mornings I wake and worry about the Exams, and to the usual norm, worrying did little to make me neither revise intently nor stifle the roaring pits of procrastination. (nothing may stifle it… think of it as a volcano that would survive the Indian Ocean poured into it, but would, quite possibly, give off a few blows and die out eventually).

So, in some of the gloomy mornings I’d thought I can prevail over everything by attending a study group, which I would say helped me considerably. Yes. Results showed that I actually learnt something out of the study group this time, and admittedly it did little for the actual exams, but on the whole; my insults list doubled and there’s a whole lot of manic laughing. By golly, you know what those can do for your exams.

(They make you think about web-zipping Spider Whales destroying a city in a single-swing, including scenarios where people get smacked around by a massive pendulum tail, and about Robot Chicken and about blobs and walruses and insults. And you think about that with 15 minutes left in a paper and you have another essay to write and four other more questions to go back to.)

(They make you survive the contaminating air of examinations, with all your sanity intact.)

But sigh; I don’t think I did too well, and the procrastination gets another blame.