Alright, I’m going to begin today’s post with a huge
1) Michelle and Diane, for getting me the Good Omens novel!
2) Farah and Pei Ling for getting me that cake (tasted great, though it got mashed up on my way home).
3) Ju Ee for –despite the immense amount of pushing and shoving and disagreeing and protesting and exasperated “woi!”s– still allowing me to pay for her meal.
4) Everyone else at the lunch today, which includes Amanda, Wai Yee and Geetz, for wishing me a belated birthday.
And if you’ve noticed, I’ve just been out to lunch with 8 fantastic ladies and having my birthday celebrated. Mmhmm, on different circumstances, I would’ve been the luckiest 20-year old in the world. Currently, I’m only the happiest 20-year old of Today.
I didn’t expect my birthday to be celebrated as well; for all I knew, I was merely tagging along a luncheon trip to commemorate Ju Ee’s birthday (which, rather incidentally, falls a day after mine). Having no personal gift for her, I figured I would buy her lunch, only to get my share of the celebration nicely set for me.
Thanks girls. I appreciate it, very, very immensely.
My birthdays for me never do seem like a big deal, but nonetheless a day I look forward to exceptionally since the beginning of the year. It’s a day in which I find myself in a contradictory situation; on one hand, I’m very clearly excited about it, and like most people (I figure) wants it to be the best day of the year, and having gifts and a grand dinner and a cake, with the appropriate candles. On the other, I can’t discard the feeling that I don’t actually deserve gifts, or cakes, or a particularly expensive dinner, mainly because I’ve never done much for anyone else’s birthdays, or maybe because I feel that it’s a day where the thought counts most and getting wishes is more than enough.
So I keep telling my parents not to buy any gifts (well, maybe a few exceptions), or waste on cakes, or eat something that’s too extravagant. I never, unless prompted or happened to mention, deliberately tell my friends or remind relatives of my birthday. And honestly, a wish is always enough for me to feel appreciated and remembered.
Thus I never do expect much from my birthdays, and sometimes in birthdays I never expect any more. Like today J.
I’m going to be truthful here; I did find it kind of fishy that Michelle and Diane never showed up after our visit to the bookshop, and when they said they were at the toilet I was pretty stumped out because I never saw them leave, and I’ve been keeping watch at the entrance for several times in case I was too engrossed with browsing. When I called Michelle and asked if she’s alright, there was a strange sort of forcefulness in her voice that made me go O.o for a bit. But then I never suspected that they went to get me Good Omens. Thanks so much =P
Here’s another large
before I end this post.
Sweet dreams all.
And goodnight people.
*smack ur babo head*
*smack ur babo head*
anyways, Thank You for the meal. Kamsahamnida... =.=
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