Friday, April 28, 2006

To be truthful, I’m supposed to be studying here, now. This Saturday’s my MMS, and I’m still clueless of what it’s about. And for the past few days I’m not making much of a progress. Here’s a way to illustrate it:

Study Progress.

(Dead pan) (Still passable) (Definite A)
A fish ME Joe Chimpanzee The whole class

I’m so dead.

I’m being immature, but what the heck, I’m just gonna blame my lecturer for this (miss TMJ, which I have been very, erm, elaborative on one particular post). But what’s her fault? For starters, she made me hate her, which made me very less interested in this subject. Man, I still hate her, that bitch.

Nah, I can’t blame her, no. I mean, even if she is a crappy teacher I’m still supposed to go and pursue stuff myself, which I very well didn’t. Nope, blame it on stupid and lazy self (which sadly never learns. Sadly).

All I do now is read the notes I photo-copied from the guys and hope that one year wouldn’t change a subject too much (the notes were from a senior, complete with footnotes. Sad the language isn’t perfect. But who am I to complain?).

I must apologies for this post. It’s a diversion, for a moment, which I deduce is definitely better than me settling down to o2 jam. Sorry for the useless read.

Alright, time for me to return to my notes, which I’ll probably understand 0 tonight. *sigh*

Goodnight peeps.

P.S: Isaac, if you’re reading this, get a blog back. I only have a small gist of what happened, but I still think it’s waste that it had to go down like that. Pardon my intrusion.